
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Dai marries a golf-bag

Dai considers what a dude in his mid-40s might marry, and decides on golf clubs.

He gets a bag of golf clubs and empties it, using just the golf bag as the base for his wife.

He adds a mannequin torso on top of the bag, and attaches some pool noodle arms to it with mannequin hands at the ends. He attaches a polystyrene sphere on top as a head, with tennis balls for eyes, and some detached parts of the golf bag for hair.

He initially asks if they can get the American rapper Flo Rida to the house in 25 minutes, which is obviously unfeasible, so he instead asks if they can afford to use a Flo Rida song. Paul states that they probably can’t, and suggests they instead use some royalty-free music.

Some Flo Rida-style royalty-free music then plays over footage of Dai dancing while wearing waders, as he approaches the bathtub where Paul and Dai’s golf bag wife ‘Shashana’ are waiting. Golf clubs are laid out on the lawn to represent the congregation at their ceremony.

Dai makes his vows, mispronouncing his wife’s name as ‘Shashawna’ before correcting himself. He then asks for the ring, which he puts it on Shashana’s hand, again mispronouncing her name and apologising.

When Paul asks if Shashana decided to go through with it, Dai looks at her face and then claims she did.

He then carries Shashana back to the house, but she starts falling apart halfway there, so Dai puts her down on the ground and runs away.

He earns 4 points.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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