
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Ray marries a mannequin torso

Ray makes a wife (named Fanella) by putting a mannequin torso in a wheelchair draping a veil over it.

He sets up two benches on the lawn, close to the house. He and Paul stand close to the lion statue, and Fanella is on the other side of the benches, with a piece of string attached to her wheelchair.

Ray pulls on the string to roll Fanella over to him, while performing an acapella version of a wedding song. The wheelchair gets stuck on one of the benches at one point, and Ray has to go over to try to free it, before returning to continue pulling the string. This leads to one of the benches falling over as Ray tries to carry on normally.

Ray expresses to Fanella how he’s loved her since the day they met (which was earlier that day), when they went on a hunting expedition with a lion (who is also Ray’s best man). He says that despite her being completely dismembered, she still looks as beautiful as when he first met her (which was slightly before the dismemberment).

When Paul asks if anyone in attendance objects to their marriage, another Ray, wearing a light green wig and putting on a high-pitched voice, does object on the basis that Ray’s best man was the one who dismembered Fanella. Ray tells Fanella it’s not true, and then puppets Fanella’s loose mannequin hand to smack him, while Paul pushes her away in her wheelchair, and Ray states that it was a beautiful, melodramatic wedding.

He earns 1 point for failing to actually get married.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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