
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

The team of three keep repeating themselves

Bubbah comes up with the idea of using words beginning with ‘R’ to indicate they should move right, and words beginning with ‘L’ to indicate they should move left. Karen suggests that they also use words beginning with ‘F’ to direct their team-mate forwards.

Bubbah is the first to try to negotiate the maze wearing the blindfold first, but instantly forgets their system, not knowing what to do when Karen saying “Fast”.

Dai takes over as the one wearing the blindfold, and they also add to their system that words beginning with ‘S’ mean they should move slowly.

There is some miscommunication, as both Bubbah and Karen yell words at Dai to direct him, and he almost walks into a rope. Karen then repeats the phrase “Tiny Loopen” a few times, so they have to restart their attempt.

Dai starts out strongly on his own, but there is then further miscommunication caused by his two team-mates both calling out instructions, before Karen accidentally re-uses the word “Feijoa”, and they must reset again.

Dai then changes the system, suggesting they call out names of food items to direct him left, and drinks to direct him right. This system does not last long, as Bubbah uses the phrase “a little bit Heineken”, and the word ‘little’ had already been used, so they have to reset again.

Dai decides to tweak his system, keeping items of food or drink to mean he should go left, and any other words to mean he should go right.

This works out for a short while, but then Dai gets close to a rope and Karen panics, repeating the word “phone” a few times, so another reset is in order.

Karen decides to add another element to their system, wherein any sports-related word means that Dai is getting close to a rope. She then manages to use the word “cricket” twice in their next attempt, and so they must re-start yet again.

Karen then repeats the phrase “chewing gum” twice while trying to make Dai turn in their next attempt, and they fail once more.

At this point, Paul reminds them that they can swap out which team member is wearing the blindfold, so Karen takes a turn.

Dai has the bright idea at this point that they could easily crawl underneath the ropes, rather than trying to navigate around them. Karen then army-crawls through the maze, touching some of the poles, but not the rope itself. However, Bubbah then manages to repeat the word “iguana”, messing up another attempt.

Eventually, Karen successfully army-crawls through the maze, with occasional instructions from Dai and Bubbah, still using some form of their code.

In total, they have to restart the task 16 times, but eventually complete it after 40 minutes and 9 seconds.

This earns them 2 points.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by David Fuller)