Dai performs a series of perspective tricks
Immediately after reading “Your time starts now.”, Dai does a deliberately bad disappearing trick by just ducking down behind the table.
For his actual performance, which takes place in the study, he puts on a bow tie.
The performance begins with a crown (which Paul subsequently wears) and some cards scattered across the table, and which Dai spreads around while mysteriously uttering “Art, magic, performance”.
He takes a ball in his hands, and then (not very subtly) drops it through the waistband of his shorts, before revealing it has allegedly disappeared.
He also performs the classic perspective trick wherein he pretends to eat an object (in this case, a paintbrush) by displaying the profile of his face to Paul, and moving it past the other side of his face, before hiding it in his shirt.
At this point, Paul points out that the camera is filming Dai from an angle that reveals how he is doing all of his tricks.
Undeterred, Dai asks Paul to look up the word ‘magician’ in the dictionary on the bookshelf, which he confidently states he will find on page 1559. Paul opens up that page of the book to find it’s the wrong one, since it lists words beginning with ‘O’. However, Dai then reveals that hidden in the book on that page was actually the paintbrush he had ‘eaten’ earlier.
He ends his performance by miming riding on an escalator, going down behind the table.
He earns 2 points.
(Written by Will G and proofread by Karl Craven)
(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by David Fuller)