
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Krusty the Karen gives Paul a birthday party performance

Karen uses the table the task was set on and brings four plastic chairs into the lab. Paul sits on one of them while the other three are empty.

Karen is wearing a jumper which has ‘local magician’ written on it in colourful text, and she welcomes her audience.

She notes that it is Paul’s fourth birthday, and that his parents have invited her, “Krusty the Karen”, to come to his party to perform some magic for him and his friends.

For one trick, she holds a coin up to Paul, and then pretends to take it with her other hand and throw it away, before showing that it’s still in the first hand.

She then does the Two Little Dickie Birds trick. When she asks Paul where he thinks the birds went, in the middle of the trick, Paul suggests that they’re migrating for the winter, which Karen says is “magic”.

She then pokes a rabbit puppet up out of the hat, which is made of a sock with googly eyes and some drawn on decoration, with two small balloons for ears. Giving the rabbit a squeaky voice, she wishes Paul a happy birthday.

When Paul says his birthday isn’t until August, the rabbit says they’ll see him then, and retreats back into the hat.

She earns 3 points.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by David Fuller)

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