
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Mystic Mel levitates and splits an apple

Mel enters the lab wearing a jacket and a hat, with some glittery decorations on her face.

She introduces herself as Mystical Melanie, and presents her magic wand, from which she weakly ejects a few feathers.

She also has a balloon hidden in her jacket, which she presumably wanted to pop while the feathers came out, but it quietly deflates, rather than making a pop, so she just seems to then dispose of it discreetly.

She then declares that she will use the magic wand to make an apple hover from the magician’s hat, before slicing it in half.

She mimes with the wand, pretending to levitate the apple while some somewhat visible wires do the actual moving.

The apple hovers while Mel appears to start saying a spell, but then splits in half before she seems to be completely ready for it. She acts casual about it, though, claiming it was exactly when she’d wanted it to happen.

She earns 4 points.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by David Fuller)

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