
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Ray creates his own magical Greek theme park

Ray, for whatever reason, doesn’t do any magic tricks.

Instead, the first thing that comes to his mind is Disneyland, which he says is “the most magical place on Earth”. Ray therefore takes Paul on a trip to the copyright-free alternative of “Raysneyland”.

The pair take a ride on “Rolleropolis”, which he describes as “the most Greek rollercoaster in the world” (but which is actually a wheelchair, with people passing stone pillars past it to simulate movement).

They then move to the caravan to get some free “authentic Greek popcorn”. At this point, Paul notices that the whole park is Greek-themed.

Ray says that next they’re going to go for a ride on the “Greek teacups”, which is simulated using forced perspective by spinning an actual teacup around in the foreground, while Ray and Paul, holding hands, spin around in the background.

Paul then spots the wholly-original theme park character “Rickey Rouse”, who is played by Ray, wearing paper ears and some whiskers. Rickey is taking a smoke break by the caravan, and reluctantly agrees to Paul’s request for a photo together.

As they take the photo, Paul asks Rickey to say “cheese”, which he does begrudgingly, and with little enthusiasm.

It is then pointed out in the studio that Disneyland’s slogan is actually “The happiest place on Earth”, not “The most magical…”.

Ray earns just 1 point.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by David Fuller)

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