
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Bubbah, Karen and Dai discuss moisturisers

Bubbah suggests moisturiser as the team’s subject, and Karen and Dai agree to that.

Karen introduces the podcast as “Vaguely Interesting”, suggesting this is only one episode of a series, and also says that the subject being discussed was a suggestion from a listener.

They have a lot of genuine discussion about moisturisers, covering Karen’s feelings about it as a lesbian, and Bubbah’s attitude to it as a non-white person, when most moisturisers are white, and conclude that moisturisers are linked with the serious issues of sexism and racism.

Dai spends a lot of the podcast talking about coconut oil, often looping back to it as a topic.

There’s also discussion of ChapStick and several specific moisturisers are mentioned.

After a short discussion about sunscreen and SPF numbers referring to minutes of protection, Karen compares it to the numbers on toasters representing minutes.

Dai adds to this by suggesting that each number of a toaster represents a minute and a half, which could be something he’s recalling from their first team task together, which had involved a toaster.

Near the end of the podcast, Dai decides they should include an advert, and so he makes up an advert for “Roger’s Wobble Boards”.

Karen then says out loud that she doesn’t know if they’ve hit 20 minutes yet, presumably trying to get Paul to tell them.

Before the podcast ends, they also discuss their non-existent first episode, which they claim was on the subject of tarpaulins, and involved a competition where a winner had received a hat.

Dai also asks listeners to email them on the nonsensical email address vaguelyinteresting@yahoo.hotmail.com.

In the studio, all three of them admit that they had no idea that the podcast had actually been published, and that they could have promoted it.

Mel points out that she had actually listened to their podcast, and so had Ray.

Paul reveals that Vaguely Interesting only got nine listens in total (with two of those being Mel and Ray), so the team earns just 2 points.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by David Fuller)