
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Mel and Ray discuss bananas

Mel and Ray end up choosing bananas as the topic for their podcast.

Ray introduces the podcast as “Bananaphones” (though it was published under the name ‘Bananapod’).

Early on, Ray makes clear references to the fact that the podcast will be 20 minutes long.

Mel attempts to justify the podcast, saying that she and Ray are real-life friends and had discussed doing a podcast in the past, but had decided to create ‘Bananapod’ while they were eating fruit together.

They have some fine discussions about bananas and the song Mellow Yellow.

Mel acknowledges that they had also discussed maybe covering the subject of apples.

Ray starts eating a banana somewhat early on, and continues during the podcast until it breaks and falls on the floor.

After discussing whether it was possible to make banana wine, they go off on a tangent about homebrewing, and Ray mentions that prisoners ferment fruit in the toilets to make alcohol.

After making that statement, Ray mentions that “producer Paul is nodding”.

They also come up with a feature segment, named  ‘Bananaphones’, where a listener (someone on the production team named Kyle) calls in and asks a question.

The show ends with a discussion of Bananas in Pyjamas.

After completing their recording, Mel asks if it’ll be put out unedited, and Paul reassures her that they’ll edit out “the racist things that Ray said”.

After filming was over and the podcast was published, Mel promoted it by tweeting about it, and Ray had reposted her tweet.

In the studio, Mel says that people had genuinely been asking her when the second episode would be coming out, while Ray claims that it’s the most divisive thing he’s ever done.

Paul reveals that Bananapod was listened to 362 times, which earns them 5 points.

(Written by Will G and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo and adjusted by David Fuller)