
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Sam names past champions

Sam shows up to the task carrying a tape measure and a long pole. When Alex questions why, Sam simply states that “James Bond would never go on a mission without his favourite gadgets”.

After opening the cracker and reading the set-up for the joke, Sam focuses on the flag, deciding to search nearby for bears.

He enters the LandPod and finds the framed pictures of the Taskmaster champions, initially deciding to single out the ones who are balding, like Bob Mortimer.

He recognises that all of the pictures are of previous winners of Taskmaster, and decides to take them all out to the stone. One-by-one, he holds each picture up and says the name of the contestant pictures, while trying to pull the sword from the stone.

He then asks Alex if there’s a champion who is missing from the line-up for some reason, but then dismisses that idea as too “inside baseball” (as in, too much prior knowledge of the show would be needed).

He then tries the passphrase “Alex Horne....sucks”, which does not work.

Sam then re-reads the task brief and notices that the ‘W’ at the end of the word ‘now’ is capitalised, which he finds unusual. This prompts him to look around for other capitalised letters. He finds the ‘I’ on Greg’s statue, and also recognises the MBE medal on the mannequin. With just these few letters, he then correctly guesses the answer.

He successfully pulls the sword from the stone after 32 minutes, and earns fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores