
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Julian works his way through the crew

Immediately after reading the task brief, Julian points to one of the cameramen as the first unique thing he wants to be underneath. Julian lays on the ground and, as the cameraman hesitantly crawls over Julian, Julian muses that the experience takes him back.

He then calls over the sound man, telling him to bring his equipment with him. Unlike the cameraman, the sound man realises he can simply stand over Julian, and does so.

Julian then invites Alex to squat over him – which leads to Alex inadvertently revealing his butt crack to the camera.

Julian finally moves on to inanimate objects by holding up a camera and tripod above his head.

He then realises he can leave the room, and does so. He stands underneath a bin lid, Linda the cow, a welly, a small lamp, a copy of Pick Me Up magazine, and a small statue of Michelangelo’s David.

After Alex points out that Julian’s journey has quite conveniently ended in Julian’s dressing room, Julian asks Alex to fetch him the cup of tea that he’d left in the living room.

In the studio, Alex adds that Julian had indeed gotten under the rest of the members of the crew in the living room, as well as a baby’s head.

Julian is credit with having gotten under 25 things. However, after penalties, his number is knocked down to -5, and he earns joint second place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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