
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Sue rolls in fox excrement

Sue decides that the first thing she wants to lay underneath is a cactus. She picks up a small decorative cactus and does precisely that.

Sue panics trying to think of truly unusual things to lay underneath, finally laying underneath part of a saxophone stand. She follows up by laying underneath an “antique starburst art deco...thing”.

Sue then realises that she can leave the room, and does so. She lays underneath a recycling bin (though she admits she’s straddling it more than laying underneath it), a brick, and possibly the caravan (her head at least is under it at the same time she is under the brick).

She considers laying under Linda the cow, but believes that someone else will have already done so. Instead, she climbs on top of Linda and declares that she is underneath the tree just above her.

Sue then lays down in front of one of the large hedges near the gate and rolls, quickly declaring that she’s underneath several individual leaves (she is credited for five, as she said the phrase five times while rolling).

In her last few seconds, she has Alex lay on top of her, and he rudely blows his whistle right into her ear as her time runs out.

As Alex helps her off of the ground, Sue announces that she had rolled in fox excrement while she was rolling under the hedge.

Sue is credit with having been under 20 things. However, after penalties, her number is knocked down to -5, and she earns joint second place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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