
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kevin, aka “Apitchou”

Immediately after reading the task brief, Kevin simply says “apitchou” (an onomatopoeia equivalent to “achoo”), with no attempt to even imply that it’s a real sneeze (in the studio, Kevin argues that the task did not dictate that the sneeze needed to be genuine, but his argument is overridden by Louis and the other contestants).

Presumably confused as to why Antoine will not stop the clock, Kevin continues to say “apitchou” with increasing volume, and re-reads the task brief.

He wonders if the winner is the person with the fastest sneeze, rather than the one who sneezes fastest, so tries just saying “choo” instead.

He briefly tries rubbing his nose in a vase of flowers to irritate it, but eventually abandons the idea and insists that he has already completed the task by saying “apitchou” at the very start.

In the studio, Kevin admits defeat, saying that it was one of the first tasks filmed, and he hadn’t really understood the show at that point.

Marie-Lyne also expresses that she finds it odd that Kevin says “apitchou” instead of “atchoom” (although Kevin’s usage is apparently not uncommon).

Louis suggests that “apitchou” is Haitian Creole for “task failed”, and disqualifies Kevin.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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