
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Petra’s public service announcement

The footage of Petra’s attempt begins with a clip from a breaking news story from the set of the evening talk show Go’ Aften Live [‘Good Evening Live’] (on which Petra is one of the five presenters), as host Natasja Crone interrupts the broadcast to declare that Petra Nagel has made a “life-changing discovery” that will come as a surprising revelation to most Danes.

Natasja provides narration over the subsequent footage of Petra, which shows her placing empty cans into a recycling machine. Crone informs the public that Petra has discovered that the cans can be placed into the machine open-end first, thus saving hands and forearms from being covered in any remaining dregs of liquid from the cans.

This revelation actually causes cheering and applause from much of the audience, as the machines specifically instruct that all cans must be placed within them bottom-first.

Natasja goes on to caution that this method will not work with bottles.

Lasse awards Petra third place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores