
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Anders documents his search for God

Anders pre-emptively defends his attempt in the studio, by explaining that it is crucial for every journalist to have “a giant network of sources”. He explains that he sent his “stringers” (freelance journalists) out in search of surprising stories and, after several months, was informed of a story he thought to be suitably surprising.

In his footage, Anders travels to downtown Grenå, which is where he has been reliably informed ‘God’ lives. However, the reports turn out to be referring to a wild duck.

A month later, Anders travels to western Aarhus, once again in search of ‘God’. In his footage, he is seen approaching an apartment building and ringing the doorbell of someone named “HM God” (in Danish, the word for ‘God’ is ‘Gud’, but Anders acknowledges that this person’s surname was spelled in the English way).

In the studio, Anders says that he had a conversation with “God’s brother-in-law”, who had failed to see the humour in the situation.

Anders says he had given up on his search for ‘God’, but then reveals that he’d received an email during the studio recordings, pointing him to a (conveniently local) location: just down the street from the Copenhagen Il Castello pizzeria, in the form of the God Thai Massage parlour.

Lasse awards Anders fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

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