
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kathrine somewhat alters her method

Kathrine puts some balls into an overturned hat and holds the hat against the bottom of the pipe.

For some reason, she then abandons the hat and uses her hand to block the pipe instead, feeding balls up into the pipe for the remainder of her time.

This backfires, as near the end of her time, Kathrine’s hand shifts when she bends down to pick up more balls, letting all of the balls back out of the pipe.

With 10 seconds left, Kathrine gives up on another attempt and lets the clock run out, noting that at least the task wasn’t something “humiliating”.

Kathrine therefore ends up with zero balls in the pipe after her first attempt.

For her second attempt, Kathrine – exasperated that she needs to do the task again – actually changes her method a little bit, instead using the task brief to block the pipe, as she feeds the balls into it.

At the end of her time, Mark asks if Kathrine feels better about the task. Kathrine admits that she thought the crew would start clapping, as her second attempt had gone much better. Mark and the crew then indulge her by applauding.

Kathrine ends up with 25 balls in the pipe at the end of her second attempt – a net gain of 25 balls – and so she wins the task.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores