Put the most balls in the pipe

Task types:

Task briefs
The task brief for both parts of the task are attached to a large, clear plastic pipe, suspended from the ceiling of the study. The briefs for the task are as follows:
Put the most balls up the pipe.
You must not move the pipe.
You have 3 minutes.
Your time starts now.
Improve your result from the previous task.
You have 3 new minutes.
Your time starts now.

Task notes
- The plastic pipe is open at the bottom.
- On the ground below the pipe, there is a large pile of brightly-coloured plastic balls.
- The task is presented as if it is a quick one-off, with the follow-up task not immediately revealed, unlike in most two-part tasks.
- At the end of the first part of the task, Mark asks each contestant if they thought there was anything they could have done differently during their attempts.
- The second part of the task had taken place after a short break in filming, but otherwise immediately after the first part.
Task stats


Click on the thumbnail images below to read a description of each attempt.