
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Anders uses his head

During his first attempt, Anders uses his hand to block the pipe’s opening, and slowly starts feeding balls up into the pipe, one at a time.

His progress is delayed by the fact that he does not enlist Mark’s help in picking up the balls, resulting in a long gap between each ball being added to the pipe.

Mark slowly counts each ball as they are added to the pipe, which genuinely annoys Anders.

Near the end of the time, Anders – perhaps tired of continually bending down and standing up – uses his head to block the pipe instead, allowing him to both retrieve balls and put them into the pipe with minimal movement.

He ends up with 32 balls in the pipe after his first attempt.

While preparing himself for his second attempt, Anders declares that although he may not win the task, he is guaranteed to “go down in flames.”

He once again uses his head to block the bottom of the pipe and feeds balls up into it. However, this time, he pushes up multiple balls at a time.

He is also far less careful – at one point moving his head enough that most of the balls fall back out of the pipe, after which he simply stops and glares at Mark.

Anders starts over, keeping up a running sarcastic commentary about how fun it is to watch “the old man stuff stupid balls up a pipe twice”. He ends up with 21 balls in the pipe after his second attempt – a net loss of 11 balls – and so earns last place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores