
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Julian and Alex break up and make up in 20 minutes

Julian refuses to say the “Your time starts now” part of the task brief until Alex fetches him some coloured pens and markers to work with.

He is then seen having arranged the pens to his liking and tested several of them, and asking Alex if he can remove the memo squares from their box before the time starts. Alex – in a surprising display of snark – replies that Julian can apparently do anything that he likes before the task starts. Julian gives back as good as he gets, observing that it’s difficult to tell the difference between Alex laughing and Alex sulking.

Their pseudo-fight seems to carry over into Julian’s drawing time, as he asks if he is “allowed to have a cheery chat” with Alex while drawing. When Alex indicates that he would like that, Julian starts asking him about bird-watching. Later on, when Alex gives Julian a time update, Julian remarks that he’s behind because he’d “tried to engage” with Alex.

Julian then decides to enlist Alex’s help with his artwork by asking him to colour in some dots on some of the memo notes. He continues their conversation about bird-watching, suggesting that one day he and Alex could maybe go bird-watching together.

In the studio, it is revealed that Julian has recreated one of Damien Hirst’s Spot paintings.

Greg awards Julian joint third place, with Susan.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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