
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kevin treats the chickens like dogs

Kevin yells at the chickens in an attempt to get their attention, then starts to jog towards the mat in an attempt to get them to follow him.

It’s clear during his attempt that Kevin – revealed in a previous episode to be a dog owner – is treating the chickens as he would dogs. Eventually realising that this approach will not work, Kevin removes his jacket and uses it like a matador’s cape, waving it in front of the chickens and clucking (and barking) in an attempt to get them to move away from the corner in which they have all congregated.

Kevin then wraps one of the chickens in his jacket and places it on the mat. The chicken almost immediately leaves the mat, and Kevin yells at it.

He then sits on the mat, clucking, and waving his arms to the chickens in encouragement, before going back to his jacket technique.

At one point, he rushes a group of chickens, roaring that he’s the “big bad wolf”, but the chickens are entirely unfazed.

Eventually, Kevin sources a drill and uses it to unscrew the mat from the ground, placing it in the middle of where the chickens have gathered. At that point, two chickens move onto the mat, and Kevin is able to quite easily push a third onto it.

Kevin apparently completes the task in 19 minutes and 18 seconds. However, upon a slow-motion replay of the chickens at the end of his attempt in the studio, it is revealed that at no point did all three of them have both feet on the mate. In fact, it’s as if the chickens are conspiring together to ensure that one of their feet is always either raised, or off the edge of the mat.

Kevin begs Louis for mercy and, eventually, Louis concedes, and awards Kevin fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores