
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Phil is scared of chickens

As Phil approaches the task brief, it’s evident that he’s scared – or at least nervous of – the chickens.

When he is mocked for this by Louis in the studio, Phil counters that grown men are allowed to still have fears, ending his outburst with “OK, Boomer” (and thus coining the episode title).

Back at the Le Maître du Jeu house, Phil gets down on all fours and speaks to the chickens, encouraging them to follow him to a food source.

After trying to scare the chickens towards the mat, Phil eventually overcomes his fear enough to pick up one of the chickens, letting out a scream as he does. As Phil places the chicken on the mat, another one approaches, and Phil encourages it to “save” his “friend”.

After several failed attempts, Phil says that while he is normally not a quitter, that it is exactly what he intends to do.

As he quit the task, Phil has no official time recorded, not even the amount of time he spent on the task before giving up. While Phil isn’t disqualified, Louis refuses to award him any points, as he gave up.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores