
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Everyone tries to retrieve their drinks

In the first round, the contestants have to retrieve shot glasses full of water. Lucy, Sue, Sam, and Lucy start rolling the toilet paper back onto the roll, while Julian just starts pulling the toilet paper towards himself. Sue is disqualified when some of her liquid falls onto the toilet paper, causing it to tear and leave her shot glass behind. Lucy stands up and starts pulling on the toilet paper more instead of rolling it up. Sam’s toilet paper gets wet and breaks halfway down the Knappett, disqualifying him. Julian is the first to retrieve and sip his drink, with Lucy following almost immediately afterwards. Susan’s toilet paper breaks when it’s very close to the line, so she is also disqualified.

In the second round, the contestants must retrieve pint glasses full of water. Susan, Sue, and Sam once again start rolling the toilet paper back onto the roll, and Julian once again goes with his toilet paper pulling method. However, Lucy immediately stands up and starts pulling the roll towards herself while walking backwards, and Sam eventually copies this method. Lucy is the first to sip her drink, with Sam a close second, and Julian immediately following in third. Both Sue and Susan’s toilet paper break close to the line, and they are disqualified. However, ‘VAR’ is then consulted, and Lucy is also disqualified, as her fingers had crossed the line to pick up the pint glass. After this revelation, Lucy intentionally spills her glass of water on the Knappett and (jokingly) storms off stage.

In the third round, the contestants must retrieve champagne flutes full of water. Everyone sticks with their methods from the second round. Susan’s champagne glass topples early on, and she’s disqualified. Lucy pulls her toilet paper a bit too hard near the line, and it slips out from underneath the glass before the glass crosses the line, so she is disqualified. Sam is the first to sip his drink. Sue – who at some point switches to Julian’s method of pulling the toilet paper towards herself – is the second to sip her drink. Julian’s drink hits the edge of the line and tips off of the toilet paper, still remaining upright. Sam encourages Julian, saying that something can still be done, and Alex reminds Julian that he is not allowed to cross the line. Sue tells Julian to “lasso” it, and starts making a primitive lasso out of her toilet paper. Someone in the audience then yells out that one of the other contestants could pick up Julian’s champagne flute for him. Just as Alex is confirming that one of the disqualified contestants should do so, Sue reaches out and picks up Julian’s glass and hands it to him, thereby disqualifying herself. Greg calls Sue “heroic,” and Julian points out “that’s the LGBT community”.

Julian wins the task, while Sam earns second place, Lucy comes in third, and Sue and Susan share fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)