
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Lucy’s macabre sibling

In the darkened living room, Lucy – who is wearing a black cloak and Mae Martin’s coward’s glasses, summons “Brother Alex” to her (thus coining the episode title), lamenting that she is bored, and wants to play a game.

Alex remains sleeping on the sofa, wearing a duck mask, and mostly covered in a blanket, except for strategically exposed body parts.

Lucy runs her torch light over Alex’s duck head and naked shoulder, taking a break to feed snacks to the “1990s” lizard tattoo on his shoulder. She then moves on to Alex’s “poorly” knees and toes.

Lucy sings the lyrics slowly and creepily, in a child-like voice. She becomes excited when she reaches Alex’s toes, and then simulates eating them, at which point Alex wakes up and screams, and then Lucy apologises and disappears behind the couch.

Greg calls Lucy’s film “genuinely creepy”, and questions who Lucy’s character was. Lucy replies that she was playing a woman who’d looked after her, when she was a child. Sue immediately chimes in that she finds that fact “worrisome”.

When Greg asks Lucy to succinctly sum up her film’s narrative, Lucy replies only “Harry Potter?”. When Greg presses her on what the duck head represented, she suggests “the RSPB” (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds).

In response to Lucy’s ‘explanations’, Greg passes on a valuable lesson to Alex and the viewing public: “Sometimes you shouldn’t talk to the creators”.

Thankfully, Greg chooses to ignore Lucy’s in-studio defence of her own work, and awards her joint first place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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