
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Marie-Lyne’s discount recreation

Marie-Lyne recreates Mario Kart, presumably casting herself as Mario because she was already wearing overalls (albeit in orange, which she accessorises with a suitable orange hat).

Her racing opponent, Antoine, has donned a helmet which indicates that he has been cast in the role of Toad.

A winding course has been laid out in the car park outside the Le Maître du Jeu house, and scattered along it are a banana peel and a large cardboard star. Both drivers are riding on small pedal carts, with Marie-Lyne stating that the game is her “discount version”.

In the race, Marie-Lyne quickly pulls ahead, as Antoine struggles to pedal the cart which he is clearly way too big for. She picks up a banana peel and throws it at Antoine, stopping him dead in his tracks.

Further along the course, Marie-Lyne picks up the cardboard star, which allows her to go faster, and she travels enough of the course at high speed that she almost laps Antoine. She then picks up the banana peel and throws it at Antoine once again, causing him to run into the boundaries of the course.

Antoine then pedals to the star and picks it up, immediately tipping over backwards and falling off of his cart as he waves it over his head (according to Marie-Lyne in the studio, this was an actual accident, and not planned as a comedic end to the race).

Louis awards Marie-Lyne first place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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