
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Marte tries to alter the wheel

As she begins the task, Marte is under the impression that the wheel of fortune is a one-and-done spin. When it directs her to set up her picnic in the caravan, she leisurely jogs there, rhetorically wondering how difficult the task could actually be.

She thus enters the caravan and takes her time with setting up the picnic, completely oblivious to any of Olli’s subsequent spins.

She eventually calls out to Olli, to let him know that he can join her. However, he calls back that her time is still running, as her picnic is not in the correct location (the wheel has most recently landed on the picture of the picnic table).

Marte re-reads the task brief while in the caravan, and finally emerges to argue with Olli, telling him not to spin the wheel again. When Olli refuses to stop spinning the wheel, Marte turns her attention to the wheel instead, running black gaffer tape over the pictures of the balcony, picnic table, and garage, apparently in the hope that doing so will invalidate them as picnic location options.

This strategy doesn’t work, and Marte is forced to pack up her caravan picnic and set it up again near the garage. She calls Olli over to the garage, but only actually starts her set-up when he is close, as she says she wasn’t certain he would actually show up. This also has the unintended bonus of delaying the next wheel spin, which sends her to the picnic table.

Marte seems to have learned from her mistake at the caravan, though, as when she gets to the picnic table, she simply removes the two already set up plates that she has wrapped in cloth, and unwraps them, before pulling out two already-full glasses of champagne.

Marte sets up her picnic in 31 minutes and 42 seconds, and earns last place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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