
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Christian shows real emotions

Christian initially sets up his picnic at the garage, seemingly unaware that Olli will continue to spin the wheel and change his location.

As he pours the champagne – the last step in his picnic set-up – he acknowledges that there must be some sort of trick to the task, but admits he doesn’t know what it is. As such, he intends to instead make the picnic as cosy and inviting to Olli as possible.

He calls out to Olli to join him, but Olli doesn’t seem to reply, so Christian runs to fetch him. At this point, he sees the wheel and its new position (the balcony), and understands the catch in the task.

Christian packs up his garage picnic, and pours the champagne out into a nearby bush, reasoning that two empty champagne glasses are just as equal as two full champagne glasses.

He is next seen starting to set up his picnic on the balcony, where he calls down to Olli and tells him that re-making a picnic is “demotivating”. Olli simply spins the wheel again in response, sending Christian to the caravan.

An overwhelmed Christian presents Olli with a clearly unbalanced picnic spread in the caravan, so Olli spins the wheel again, which sends Christian to the picnic table, where he finally manages to successfully set up the picnic.

In the studio, Atle comments that the task brought out some “real emotions” in Christian. Specifically, Atle notices a deep-seated hatred for the task (and quite possibly Olli). Christian confirms that he’d really hated the task, mostly because he couldn’t figure out how it could be done, and admits that he still isn’t quite sure how he’d done it.

Christian sets up his picnic in 20 minutes and 25 seconds, and earns fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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