
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kevin chases some geese

Kevin either does not realise that the pedometer can be removed from the shoe, or believes that the implied rules of the task dictate that it must remain attached to the shoe, and so spends almost his entire attempt recording steps by moving the entire shoe.

After tapping the shoe on the table for a while, he asks if there is a dog available that he can attach the pedometer to. He looks around and spots a Canadian goose, telling Antoine that catching the goose might be better than just tapping the shoe on the table.

Kevin approaches the goose while still tapping the shoe on the table, but the goose begins to walk away from him. Kevin continues to stalk the goose, and when it flies away from him to join its friends, he appears to be genuinely surprised to learn that geese can fly (in the studio, after Louis mocks Kevin for having this revelation, Mona suggests that Kevin apply some Masketi to his ego).

Still carrying the table and shoe, Kevin then sources a bucket and continues chasing the geese in an attempt to catch one. He eventually concedes defeat to the geese and continues his table-tapping method, eventually figuring out that he can tap at double speed and by tapping first the shoe’s heel, and then the toe, instead of tapping the whole thing at once.

Kevin manages a sort of drum beat via his double-tapping method (eventually adding in the bucket, to create a different beat), and makes up song lyrics as he does, while Antoine dances.

Near the very end of his attempt, Kevin finally realises that the pedometer can be removed from the shoe, and so he starts to shake it, before rolling it around inside a large tube, which he kicks into a raised platform.

Kevin’s pedometer records 2,516 steps, and he earns third place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores