Episode 6: Masketi

Episode synopsis
In this episode, the contestants must bring in the most slippery thing they own, record the highest number of steps on a pedometer, remove a napkin from underneath a pile of eggs, do something that looks spectacular in slow-motion, and strike a drum after exactly 9.58 seconds. Also, one lucky contestant is assigned the extra task of counting the number of individual grains in a bag of rice.
Title context
For his prize task submission, Kevin Raphaël brings in a bottle of Haitian castor oil called ‘Masketi’ (the plant itself is called ‘maskriti’), claiming that it can cure any physical ailment. Masketi becomes a running joke throughout the episode, either as a rallying cry, or as something to be used when anything is damaged (like a prop, or Kevin’s ego). The contestants, Louis, and Antoine even rub it on their hands as the credits roll.
Taskmaster Intro
Good evening! My name is Louis Morissette, and I am the Taskmaster. Over the past few weeks, I have devised a series of tasks for five beloved comedians to complete. Together, we'll discover what they did, and how they did it. As the Taskmaster, I'll hand out points to the most deserving contestants based on highly subjective and ambiguous criteria. The winner of the season will take home the greatest prize in television history: a replica of my head in gold!
Assistant Intro
Let me introduce you to my assistant. I love him more than I love my pet, because he is done shedding: Antoine Vezina!
Note: Louis subsequently feeds a dog treat to Antoine. When Tammy complains that she’ll have to kiss Antoine later, Louis offers one to her as well, but Antoine snatches that one up, too.
Episode stats

Episode scores
The following episode subtitle files are available for download.
- English Credit: the-little-kicks
- Filipino Credit: VITAC Canada