Episode 7: Ich liebe dich

Episode synopsis
In this episode, the contestants must bring in the most embarrassing thing to take home, find out about a German person, make the biggest bubble and burst it with their nose, paint a still-life while blindfolded, put a roll of string on a cushion, and stick plasters to the correct body parts.
Title context
Marie-Lyne Joncas says “Ich liebe dich!” (“I love you!”) shortly after meeting the German man during the ‘Find out about the German person’ task. Tammy Verge also says this phrase to the man before leaving the room, and Louis finds it amusing that both women apparently fell in love with the man during their short time with him.
Taskmaster Intro
Good evening. Welcome to Taskmaster. My name is Louis Morissette, and I am the Taskmaster. Over the past few weeks, I have devised a series of tasks for five beloved comedians to complete. Together, we'll discover what they did, and how they did it. As the Taskmaster, I'll hand out points to the most deserving contestants based on highly subjective and ambiguous criteria. The winner of the season will take home the greatest prize in television history: a replica of my head in gold!
Assistant Intro
Allow me to present to you my assistant, who spent the entire season with them, who suffered alongside them, but who loves them all the same, in true Stockholm Syndrome style: Antoine Vézina!
Episode stats

Episode scores
There are some discrepancies between the official total scores for this episode and the points seen to be awarded during the episode. Both sets of scores, and the discrepancies between them, are displayed below.
The following episode subtitle files are available for download.
- English Credit: the-little-kicks
- French Credit: VITAC Canada