
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Marie-Lyne’s questionable maths

While footage is shown of Marie-Lyne reading the task, the camera cuts to the studio, and Mona saying that she definitely did not do this task. Phil agrees that he did not either, and recognises that Marie-Lyne has once again been tricked (having previously been pranked into counting baked beans, in the first episode). Marie-Lyne yells and glares at Louis, after this revelation.

For her actual attempt, Marie-Lyne measures out 10g of rice and then counts the individual grains of rice in that measure. Concluding that 10g of rice is 700 grains, she mentally calculates that the 1kg bag of rice therefore contains 14,000 grains of rice [she’s way off; based on her maths, the bag would contain around 70,000 grains of rice].

She then asks if she can take the bag home with her, so she can count them “for real”, as she has changed her mind and believes there are more.

In the studio, Marie-Lyne asks what the real answer is, but Antoine does not have one to give her, as she’s the only person who’d counted the rice.

Louis initially awards Marie-Lyne no points, but after she and Kevin rally the audience, Louis relents and awards her a single “rice point”.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores