Christian actually can be bothered

Christian immediately writes ‘1,000’ on the board, and tells Olli to stop the clock.
He admits that he can’t be bothered to try to figure out how many beads are actually in the jar, and tries to justify his actions by saying that these kind of games always have more items in the containers than one might think.
It seems that Christian does not actually believe the task’s claim that the jar contains 1,000 beads, but would rather suffer the time penalty than count them to make sure.
Christian then hesitates in the lab, and Olli says that he will leave the room, if Christian does not. Christian says that he’s enjoying his time with Olli; Olli, having stopped the clock, leaves the lab.
Christian admits out loud that he really does want to know if there are actually 1,000 beads in the jar but, as Olli still will not tell him, he follows him out of the room.
Christian finishes the task in 15 seconds, and earns second place.
(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)
(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)