Tete’s questionable logic

Tete tells Olli that he may be simple, but he isn’t stupid, and so he refuses to believe that the jar actually contains 1,000 beads.
After staring at the jar for a while, Tete writes ‘900’ on the board. When Olli questions this number, Tete explains that he believes what the task brief is actually saying is that the jar has the capacity to hold 1,000 beads, but that he believes that it currently only holds about 100.
Thinking about what he’d just said, and looking over what he had actually written, Tete then quickly erases part of the number ‘9’ and makes it look more like a ‘1’, making his official answer 100.
He tells Olli to stop the clock, and does a little victory dance before leaving the lab (Atle asks Tete to repeat this dance in the studio, which he does, but adds a flip of the middle finger in, for good measure).
After time penalties (having written down completely the wrong answer), Tete finishes the task in 10 hours, 5 minutes, and 22 seconds, and therefore earns last place.
(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)
(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)