
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Tammy uses suggestive mime

Initially, Tammy does not realise that Boris understands French.

She starts by humming Happy Birthday, then points to herself and says a date, gesturing to him to respond in kind. She also uses her fingers to represent exact numbers for him to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to, to indicate specific dates. When she finally learns Boris’ birthday, she chides him that he should have just told her it was the same as the Beau Dommage song 23 Décembre.

Tammy continues her miming to ask about Boris’ favourite food, but uses a very suggestive mime to convey the ac6t of eating a hot dog. Boris describes the process of making a margherita pizza, but the only word Tammy can understand is ‘tomato’. Using his hands, Boris is able to convey that his food has layers, and Tammy correctly guesses that Boris’ favourite food is pizza.

Tammy mimes the presence of a penis to indicate that she wants to know what Boris’ father does for a living. By this point, she has either figured out that Boris understands at least some French, or already knows what questions need to be answered, and is just continuing the mimes for fun. Boris explains that his father is an engineer, but Tammy is unable to come up with an answer, and eventually moves on.

Tammy mimes being scared to ask what Boris’ biggest fear is, and starts listing common fears for Boris to confirm or deny, like being afraid of the dark. Boris rocks his arms like he is holding a baby, and Tammy initially believes that he is afraid of something that happened to him when he was a child. Boris corrects her, and Tammy realises that he has children, and that his fear is that his children will die.

Boris describes Tammy as “impressive”, which she decides means “very pretty”, and doesn’t seem to press further than that.

Finally, Tammy grabs Boris’ hands and asks what his greatest wish is. Boris replies that it is world peace, and Tammy attempts to repeat his answer in German as her own answer.

Before leaving, she tells Boris “ich liebe dich” (‘I love you’).

Tammy gets three correct answers, and she earns second place (but only 3 points).

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores