Phil makes some assumptions

It seems that Phil is unaware that Boris understands French. As such, he resorts to mime, asking Boris’ birthday by miming childbirth, then tapping his watch.
As ‘December’ sounds similar in both French and German, Phil gets the month correct, but not the date. He eventually gets to the correct date by listing the month’s days in order. When he eventually gets the correct date, Phil starts to sing the lyrics of 23 Décembre by Beau Dommage, but quickly stops when Boris does not join in.
After Boris describes the process of making a margherita pizza, Phil says he only understood ‘tomato’ and what he believes was ‘kaiser’, so guesses that Boris’ favourite food is actually pizza.
While explaining that his father is an engineer, Boris repeatedly uses a word that ends in ‘gang’. As the only word that Phil recognises – and having no other guesses – Phil insists that Boris’ father is a gang member.
When talking about his biggest fear being something happening to his children (‘kinder’), Phil wonders if Boris’ fear has something to do with being kidnapped.
Phil asks Boris if he would describe him as handsome; Boris instead describes Phil as “colourful” (literally; not in the vulgar or dramatic use). This word in German is ‘bunt’, which Phil confuses for the similar-sounding ‘bonne’ (‘good’) and ‘bundt’ (like the cake).
Phil is not shown asking Boris about his greatest wish.
Phil gets two correct answers, and earns joint third place (but 2 points).
(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)
(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)