Phil went to science camp

Phil sources a length of string from somewhere, ties it into a loop, fills a bowl with hot water and dish soap, and dips the loop into it. He explains to Antoine that he learned this bubble-creation method when he attended science camp.
Phil’s method is good – the string easily holds the bubbly water – but he is bad at blowing bubbles, constantly popping them almost immediately after they begin to form.
Phil eventually switches methods, using his thumbs and forefingers to make a frame for his bubbles instead.
As he continually fails to blow bubbles, he takes the opportunity to greet his science camp counsellor, Bécher, assuring the man that he had been listening to the science lectures, despite the fact that he was eating his sunscreen at the time.
At the end of yet another failed blow, Phil just so happens to create a small bubble on the palm of his hand. As a safety precaution, Phil pops it with his nose before continuing to try for a larger bubble.
He then switches back to his string method, joking that it looks like a transparent thong “after a lovely evening of science”.
Louis awards Phil fourth place, for his “positive attitude” (likely a dig at how vocal Phil was in-studio when there was an argument about whether Tammy and Kevin’s task attempts should be considered valid).
(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)
(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)