Kevin and Marie-Lyne have a communication break-down

Marie-Lyne seems immediately defeated by the task before it even starts. When Kevin excitedly asks if he can be the person who wears the blindfold, she simply mumbles that it’s “fine”.
Kevin recognises that he needs to provide most of the direction, asking ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions to Marie-Lyne for guidance as to where to start painting things.
After Marie-Lyne struggles to tell Kevin to put a different colour of paint onto his brush and go back to the canvas, she questions how they’re supposed to actually paint any of the objects in the still-life.
As Kevin waits with his paintbrush poised above the canvas, Marie-Lyne simply shrugs in defeat and says “banana”.
Eventually, Kevin implements a system: “banana” for ‘yes’, and “right” for ‘no’. He seems to realise almost immediately that not only his system, but the entire task, is doomed to fail, and just starts laughing.
Finally, he asks Marie-Lyne what a still-life is.
In the studio, Mona quips that Kevin and Marie-Lyne’s team name should be “Divorce”, and Tammy expresses her surprise that Marie-Lyne was the one who gave up on the task.
Unsurprisingly, as he received little to no actual direction, Kevin’s painting looks nothing like the still-life arrangement.
Recognising the difficulty of the task, Louis still awards the team 3 points each.
(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)
(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)