
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Tammy uses semantics to her advantage

After reading the task brief, Tammy berates herself for greeting Antoine – her partner for two decades – by his actual name, instead of a pet name.

After unwinding some of the string, Tammy pulls an umbrella from a nearby stand and places the reel on the pointed end. This leaves both of her hands free to pull at the string, and Tammy admits that she feels something satisfying about the whole process – which is made apparent by the fact that she completely unravels the roll in just over two minutes.

When she reads the second part of the task brief, Tammy runs out of the room, muttering about how picky the show can be about semantics. This seems to give her an idea, as she soon returns with a tube and some string, and places both on the cushion (‘un rouleau de corde’ means ‘a roll of string’ but, as separate words, ‘un rouleau’ means ‘a roll’, while ‘de corde’ means ‘some string’).

Tammy completes the task in 3 minutes and 19 seconds, and earns second place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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