Marie-Lyne wraps the cushion

Marie-Lyne throws the reel of string to the ground, and starts to gather the free end towards her body, questioning whether the task makes for good television.
She eventually wraps the string around a chair leg to give herself more control, and continues pulling on the string.
When she finishes, Antoine refuses to stop the timer, simply looking between the task brief and Marie-Lyne. Finally, Antoine holds the task brief up and stares directly at it, allowing Marie-Lyne to spot that something is written on the back.
Marie-Lyne’s unravelling method had left her string largely untangled, but also left it spread out all over the floor, which means that she now has trouble finding either end of the string, to start rolling it back up.
Eventually, Marie-Lyne breaks a section of the string to create a new length, and starts wrapping that around the cushion. As she does, she muses that she knows she won’t win the task, but takes some comfort in the knowledge that Kevin is likely to have not even seen the second part of the task brief.
Marie-Lyne eventually wraps all of the string around the cushion, completing the task in 4 minutes and 35 seconds. She earns joint third place.
(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)
(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)