
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kevin tries dissolving the eraser

Immediately upon seeing the task brief and eraser, Kevin expresses his concern that he will be asked to erase the entire eraser.

In the studio, Louis praises Kevin for his predictive powers, to make up for all of the times in the previous episodes wherein he had mocked him for not understanding (or outright misreading) the task.

Kevin leaves the study, and returns with a colander (as he was unable to find a cheese grater). He begins rubbing the eraser against the rough underside of the colander.

When the eraser starts to heat up, and the colander starts to scratch his hand, he switches to rubbing the eraser against the desk. He is surprised to find that doing so is actually quicker, but is upset that the resulting mess is “less pretty”.

After about half of his eraser is gone, Kevin decides to switch tactics. He leaves the room again, returning with a bowl and a bottle of clear liquid. He warns Antoine that once the eraser is submerged in what he assumes is a powerful dissolving agent, it cannot be touched.

Kevin puts the eraser in the bowl and covers it in the liquid, only realising afterwards that the fluid is merely hand sanitiser, and not something highly acidic.

In the studio, Kevin places the blame on the production team, claiming that he’d trusted them enough that he didn’t think past just asking them for something in which he could dissolve the erase. Phil jokingly counters that Kevin should have asked a serial killer – and not a television production crew – for the acid he’d wanted.

Kevin’s attempt ends after 16 minutes and 20 seconds, and he earns a single point for effort.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores