
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Christian becomes his own cuckoo clock

As he thinks about how to make a timer, Christian informs Olli that he has a very accurate internal clock.

Ultimately, he decides to be his own timer. He tells Olli that he plans to become a cuckoo clock, and chime every minute. Once he chimes seven times, the pizza will be ready.

Despite his claims of having an “internal” clock, Christian counts the seconds out loud as he leaves the kitchen and walks around the house. He then returns to the kitchen holding an inflated rubber glove over his head, and crows like a rooster before leaving again. He repeats this process a further six times.

On his seventh and final chime, Christian clucks like a chicken and does a little dance, which Olli compliments.

Christian’s pizza looks pretty good, with the cheese melted and just starting to brown.

In the studio, Atle challenges Christian’s claim that he’d ‘made’ a timer. Christian argues that he did, as he had created the process: he took a step every second, dropped a book onto a desk in the study at each 30 second mark, and crowed or clucked at each minute mark. He even tries to cover himself by claiming that he’d physically made something for the timer: the inflated glove.

After debating whether to award Christian last place, Atle decides to just disqualify him instead.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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