
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Stian’s afterlife kit

Stian explains that although he is agnostic, he has not totally written off the possibility of the existence of an afterlife.

As such, he wants to be prepared for such an actuality, and has prepared a kit to cover what he believes are all afterlife possibilities.

From a small suitcase, Stian removes several artefacts to represent various denominational afterlives, such as a Nemes (pharaoh headdress) for “some Egyptian shit”, a large crucifix if he needs to deal with “God himself” (Atle points out that the crucifix can also be inverted, and Stian agrees that it can cover “the guy down there” if need be), a statue of Buddha (and presumably others that he does not show) for “other gods”, a kippa/yarmulke to cover the possibility of a Jewish afterlife, and a blue bandana, “in case it’s something stupid like Tupac”.

In his kit, Stian also has a canteen of water, in case he gets thirsty while waiting for however he gets to the afterlife.

Atle awards Stian third place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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