
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Marie-Lyne tunes Antoine out

Marie-Lyne seems a bit overwhelmed by the task set-up. Even after Antoine leaves, and she has read the first task brief, she questions if she is supposed to remember the items, and isn’t in much of a hurry to leave the room, in stark contrast to how we have seen her in previous episodes.

Despite her apparent confusion, Marie-Lyne’s memory works quite well. After reading the second task brief, Marie-Lyne correctly recalls the red plastic hands, the mustard bottle, the salt shaker, the peacock feather, the Adirondack chair, the rope, the pocket knife, and the goat (actually a ram, but she’s given the credit).

In terms of what Antoine had said, Marie-Lyne only remembers “Nice walk”.

When Antoine tells Marie-Lyne that it’s obvious that she does not listen to him, she makes guesses as to what else he may have he said to her, all of which are in the general vicinity of what he said, but not close enough to be counted as correct, such as “Bring your feet here into the circle”.

Marie-Lyne admits that she had just tuned him out at some point, while he was speaking (in the studio, she admits that she was just waiting for him to give her the task brief).

Marie-Lyne guesses that the board was a blue-purple colour, but leans more towards the blue.

She correctly recalls eight objects and one sentence, and earns second place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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