
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

The eliminated contestants play the game for Louis

In the first round, the contestants must communicate animals to Louis.

Marie-Lyne scrunches up her face and starts making a ‘tsk’-ing noise, and Louis correctly guesses that she’s trying to communicate ‘rabbit’.

Phil tries to imitate the sound of a cricket, by makes a cooing, trilling noise, but Louis keeps guessing different birds. Phil eventually gives up, complaining that Louis is suddenly getting along so well with Kevin, but not trying with him. Phil assumes that he will be the first one eliminated, and so sits down, but challenges Louis to make the correct sound of a cricket, since Louis is apparently so unimpressed with his own effort.

Mona starts blowing and humming through her pursed lips, and Louis incorrectly guesses that she’s imitating a cow, and then a whale. Mona tries making loud stomping noises, before repeating her blowing and humming noise. At this point, Phil informs Louis that Mona is being an elephant, and that Louis is very bad at guessing. Louis then repeats the answer given to him by Phil.

Kevin makes a strange cawing/moaning noise, which prompts Mona to call it “Phil’s cricket, but psychotic”. Kevin then alters his noise, making it sound more like a high-pitched cry. At this point, Phil (who has apparently now assigned himself as Louis’ team-mate in the game) guesses that Kevin is imitating a wolf, and then Louis guesses it’s a coyote. Phil then guesses ‘whale’, and Louis guesses ‘werewolf’. When Kevin asks Phil what he had guessed, this clues the two in to start guessing other marine animals. Phil rapidly guesses ‘orca’ and then the correct answer of ‘dolphin’. The rest of the contestants then take a moment to educate Kevin about the more easily recognisable dolphin clicking noises he should have used instead.

Tammy starts clucking, and Louis correctly guesses that she is imitating a chicken.

As he had suspected, Phil is eliminated from the game after the first round.

In the second round, the contestants must communicate machines to Louis.

Marie-Lyne makes a hissing noise, then a groaning, rumbling noise. Louis guesses ‘sprinkler’, ‘dishwasher’, and ‘washer-dryer’, before Marie-Lyne adds a glugging noise. Louis then guesses ‘a garbage disposal’ and ‘an emptying bathtub’, before his self-assigned team-mate Phil once again gives him the correct answer: a coffee-maker.

Mona repeatedly utters the sound “shhh-TOCK!”, becoming increasingly more annoyed with Louis as she does, and saying that it really is the only noise her item makes. When Louis guesses that it’s a drill, Mona yells in frustration that Louis has clearly never worked a day in his life. Louis eventually correctly guesses that Mona is imitating a stapler.

Kevin makes a whirring noise, then a sort of crunching noise, then the sound of air, then a beep. Amazingly, Louis correctly guesses that he is imitating a fax machine. Phil cannot resist taking the opportunity to point out that, given Louis’ awful performance so far during this task, he and Kevin have finally reached a level of mutual understanding.

Tammy makes rapid clunking noises, in a few different tones, and Louis correctly guesses that she is imitating a helicopter.

Marie-Lyne is eliminated from the game because Louis took the longest to correctly identify her machine.

In the third round, the contestants must communicate foods to Louis.

Mona starts humming Tarantella Napoletana, and Louis guesses various types of pasta, before eventually correctly guessing that Mona is communicating ‘spaghetti’.

Kevin makes loud, grinding, crunching noises. With Marie-Lyne now on the elimination bench, she apparently joins the team assisting Louis with his guesses. After she suggests ‘iceberg lettuce’, Louis repeats that guess, before also guessing ‘corn’. Kevin then yawns loudly as a clue, and Phil identifies that it is therefore a morning food, before guessing that it is toast. Marie-Lyne and Phil then both correctly guess that Kevin is communicating ‘cereal’, though it takes a few seconds for Louis to actually hear them, before he repeats the correct answer himself.

Tammy makes popping noises, with increasing regularity, and Louis correctly guesses that she is imitating popcorn.

Kevin sits down on the elimination bench before Antoine can officially declare him as being out of the game.

In the fourth and final round, the contestants must communicate musical instruments.

Mona repeatedly makes a high-pitched “ting!” noise. Louis incorrectly guesses ‘bell’, and ‘doorbell’, before miming the correct instrument, but taking a few seconds to remember its actual name: the triangle.

Tammy makes awkward, short, honking noises. Marie-Lyne advises Louis to guess ‘saxophone’, and then ‘trumpet’. Louis then guesses ‘flute’. Phil asks Tammy if they’re even in the correct instrumental family. Marie-Lyne points out that she thinks Tammy has already lost at this point, since the guessing has taken too long. Tammy responds that she’s making the “noise of desperation”. Louis gives up on guessing, and Tammy reveals that she was imitating a clarinet.

At the end of the game, Phil earns 1 point, Kevin earns 2 points, Marie-Lyne earns 3 points, Tammy earns 4 points, and Mona earns 5 points. Based on when they were eliminated, though, Kevin should have earned 3 points and Marie-Lyne should have earned 2 points.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)