
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Sam straight-up bribes a child

Sam chooses the ‘sleep-talking’ option.

Instead of making any attempt to deceive Flossie into believing there is anyone asleep in the bed, he instead places a life-sized flamingo figurine on top of the sheets, in full display of all of the cameras, and initially makes somewhat realistic snoring noises.

Amazingly, Flossie - who is visibly taken aback when presented with the sight of a flamingo in the bed – initially appears to decide that Sam the flamingo is asleep.

However, in the studio, Alex then plays some additional footage from Sam’s attempt, revealing that Sam’s ‘sleep-talking’ consisted of a message addressed directly to Flossie, instructing her to say that the flamingo had been the most convincing sleeper, in return for £100 in cash.

When prompted by Alex to answer whether she thought Sam was sleeping or not, Flossie was visibly conflicted between telling the truth, or raking in some cold, hard cash, and she checks with Alex to see whether he thinks that Sam would really give her £100.

Flossie ultimately tells Alex that she believes that both Susan and Sam were sleeping.

Greg awards Sam joint first place, with Susan.

Note: It was later confirmed on Twitter that Flossie had received £100 in National Book Tokens, somewhat making good on Sam’s offer.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores