
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Susan trained at RADA, you know

Susan chooses the ‘sleepwalking’ option, telling Alex that she was made for this task.

By this point, she seems to have become aware of just how often she has mentioned her theatre education, as she leans into it, stating, “I don’t know if you know, but I trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, mate.”

Susan sprawls under the covers, making a grunting noise as she snores. Eventually, she rolls up into a sitting position (crashing her arm into a nearby lantern as she does so), and then rises to her feet.

Susan seems to be somewhat familiar with sleepwalkers, as she does not move immediately. Rather, she stands in place for a moment, still snore-grunting, then takes two short steps before stopping and snore-grunting again.

Flossie is fooled by Susan’s realistic sounds, and believes that Susan is actually asleep.

In the studio, Greg sums up Susan’s effort with a wry, “RADA strikes again!”. Susan counters that she knows that bringing up her RADA training constantly is annoying, but that it’s actually all she has.

It is later revealed that when Flossie had to pick between Susan and Sam as to who was actually asleep, she had picked Sam. However, in another twist, after all of Sam’s footage is revealed, Flossie is shown admitting that she believes that Susan was the one who was really was asleep.:Greg awards Susan joint first place with Sam.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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