
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

The Sues justify Susan’s RADA tuition fees

In the first round, Susan mimes, and her one allowed sound is “a clip-clopping horse”.

She rapidly mimes writing, then strong arms, then sword-fighting. After a brief word association, Sue correctly guesses that Susan is miming “The pen is mightier than the sword” (though she initially gets the order wrong).

Susan then walks across the stage while clicking her tongue, then points into her open mouth. Sue correctly guesses that Susan is miming “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”.

Susan then mimes scooping something out of her behind and deliberately placing it somewhere. Sue initially guesses the non-existent phrase “Every poo has a silver lining” before continuing to play word association with Susan’s mime, identifying that involves eggs and a basket, which leads her to correctly identify the phrase “Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket” just before the round ends.

Greg is astonished that “the mighty horse was useful.”

The Sues win the first round by three correct answers to two.

In the second round, Sue mimes, and her allowed noise is rapid auctioneer gibberish speak.

Sue makes a mess of her round, spending her entire minute trying to convey the phrase “Curiosity killed the cat”.

Although some of her mimes make sense in retrospect (stroking something, tapping her lips thoughtfully, scratching pretend curtains with pretend claws), they were also combined with things such as tiptoeing, and pointing at things while mumbling like an auctioneer.

She even outright meows twice, near the end of her time.

The Sues lose the second round by zero correct answers to one.

In the third round, Susan mimes again, and her allowed sound is “a haunting whistle”.

Susan mimes laughing, then eating something and giving a thumbs up, and Sue correctly guesses “Laughter is the best medicine”.

Susan then waggles her finger, before making a sad face while drawing her finger down her eye. Sue initially guesses “No crying”, before immediately translating it into the correct answer of “Don’t cry over spilled milk”.

Susan then mimes picking apples. While Sue quickly identifies it involves fruit and a tree, she struggles in her word association to figure out the relevant proverb. In the final 10 seconds, though, Sue correctly identifies that Susan is picking apples. Susan then mimes falling, and with just three seconds left on the clock, Sue correctly identifies the phrase as “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”.

The Sues win the third round by three correct answers to two.

Overall, they win the task by two winning rounds to one, and both earn 5 points.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores