
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Jonas dramatically risks his life

Jonas looks over the task set-up, and wonders out loud if he needs to be a carpenter. He reminds Mark that it was established during his previous season that he is incapable of doing so (most likely referencing his attempt to build a birdhouse, by not actually building a birdhouse).

In introducing Jonas’ attempt, Mark informs the viewers that it was filmed in Værløse (in the northwest outskirts of Copenhagen), and as such, football club loyalties are firmly with FC Northsjælland, so the last thing someone would want to do there would be to support rival club Lyngby.

Armed with this knowledge, Jonas dons a pair of blue jeans, a Lyngby jersey, scarf, and beanie, and ventures to a bar in the centre of Værløse called Hos Thomas.

As he approaches the building, Jonas actually ducks down out of sight of the windows. He seems right to be paranoid – stickers in the window next to the door indicate that the pub has financially supported the team on more than one occasion.

Mark peeks through the door, and tells Jonas that the bar is full. Jonas braces himself, says the required phrase, and enters the pub while crying a Lyngby rally song.

However, it is then revealed that the bar is actually full of pensioners, rather than rabid sports fans.

Jonas admits that his entrance went well, as far as his personal well-being was concerned, but that he still wouldn’t rule out someone fighting him.

In the studio, Jonas says that he eventually realised that the aggressive sports fans he was looking for were more likely to visit bars later in the day, but insists that someone present at Hos Thomas did, in fact, give a (minor) protest over Jonas’ attire, which Mark confirms.

Lasse awards Jonas fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores