
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Christian dramatically murders Mark

Christian reads the task brief and says that he has plenty of ideas, but then admits that his first idea is to drive one of the production vehicles through the door.

In the studio, Christian admits that he does not remember what he’d done for this task. However, Mark replies that he remembers it well, and that it had made him think that he is underpaid.

As Christian drives a production van down the driveway of the Stormester house, he turns to the camera and says the required phrase, then cries out and speeds up. He drives the van into the door, knocking it over, and just barely avoiding Mark, who had been leaning against the door frame.

The camera then cuts to show Christian – dressed in a flamboyant vest and cape combo, bowler hat, and fake moustache, with a taxidermy rooster on his shoulder – exiting the house and commenting that things have gotten ‘too extreme’.

When Mark says that the entrance was supposed to be dramatic, Christian pulls out a knife and stabs him before beating (the ground next to) him with a golf club. To add insult to injury, Christian then straddles Mark, and appears to urinate onto him. As he does this, Christian – now dressed in white boxers, angel wings, a red beanie, and holding a keytar – reminds everyone that Stormester is meant to be a family programme.

Angel Christian then starts to play a lively song on his keytar before flying away, and the urinating Christian – still straddling Mark – starts to shake his hips to the beat.

In the studio, Victor suggests that Christian was unable to remember his attempt because it was filmed while he was on LSD. Christian says that all he remembers now was trying to aim for Mark’s mouth while he was urinating.

Mark adds that he was not aware of that part of the skit – that he had been surprised to feel something wet dripping on his face – and that all he could think was that, knowing Christian, the urine may very well have been real.

Lasse awards Christian first place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores