
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Victor’s dramatic wrestling match

Before reading the task brief, Victor jumps out of the one of the side windows of the house, instead of just approaching the scene through the front door (he justifies this as “the entrance of a winner”). Once he has read that the task requires making the most dramatic entrance, he insists that he has just done so.

After thinking for a bit, he asks Mark if he has ever watched wrestling.

The doorway is moved into the study, where some crash mats have also been laid out on the floor. Victor says the required phrase (complete with an echo effect), and then Michael Madsen (the ring announcer for BODYSLAM! Pro-Wrestling) enters the room and introduces Victor by his new wrestling name, ‘Mister Punchline’.

Victor then enters the room, wearing tight pink leggings, a striped yellow shirt, star-shaped sunglasses, and a tag team championship belt draped over his shoulder.

Michael then announces Victor’s opponents, and seven of BODYSLAM!’s wrestlers enter the room from different doors, surrounding Victor on the mats.

Victor proceeds to get a smackdown – complete with a portrait of Lasse being smashed over his head – before Mark finally calls the match.

In the studio, Victor pre-empts any questions by saying that yes, wrestling really does hurt.

Mark reveals that Victor once again came close to serious injury during a task (the first being during his attempt at the ‘Make the highest splash’ task), as when the wrestlers were spinning Victor around by his legs, his head just kept barely missing the solid door frame.

Lasse graciously allows anyone who has a comment about “the way too small pink leggings” to be the first to speak. Christian requests that the task brief be read again, as he noticed something during Victor’s footage. Annika agrees, and points out that Victor had messed up the required phrase before making his entrance. Jonas tells Annika that he’s happy she’s the one bringing up the matter (Annika was Victor’s girlfriend at this time), and high-fives her.

Unfortunately for Victor, a replay of his clip proves that he actually says “Dette er min dramatiske entré” (‘This is my dramatic entrance’) instead of “Dette er min mest dramatiske entré” (‘This is my most dramatic entrance’). Victor is therefore disqualified, though everyone agrees that his entrance would otherwise have been the clear winner.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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