
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Victor writes new instructions

Before introducing the footage of Victor’s attempt, Lasse muses that the task must surely have a clever loophole in it, which could be exploited. Mark agrees that there is, but that Victor’s footage must first be shown.

After reading the task brief, Victor tells Mark that the task does not specifically dictate that the instructions to be followed are the ones described in the brief itself.

He sources a purple marker pen from somewhere, crosses out the directions on the task, and then starts to write in his own.

Victor writes a total of nine steps on his task, not all of which are shown, but which include “Walk to the gazebo”, “Look around”, “Walk to the red wheelbarrow”, “Pick up a stick and throw it east”, and finally, “Place the parasol where the stick landed”.

Victor’s new directions cause him to unfold the parasol in the woods behind the shed.

In the studio, Jonas jokes that if Lasse accepts Victor’s solution, then his own placement has suddenly shot up in the ranks, as he had also placed his parasol in the woods.

Lasse rejects Victor’s solution, but acknowledges that since he had at least completed the task, he still earns points.

Victor ends up 24 metres away from the correct spot, and earns last place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores